Church Services

Church Services in Yulara

Each Sunday you are invited to join in Christian fellowship. It’s good to keep connected with your Christian faith and this is supported by a roster of visiting pastors, ministers and priests from various denominations.

Date: 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays
Location: Community Shed
Arrive: 9:45am
Start: 10:00am
Finish: 11.30am*
Food: Sometimes morning tea is served afterward and on special occasions there is sometimes a shared lunch.
* We understand if you need to leave early to catch a flight or go to work. Don’t feel embarrassed to come for part of the service!

Catholic Priest Visit (including Mass)
Date: Every 3rd Sunday of the Month
Location: Uluru Meeting Place (Wanari Room)
Start: 10.30am
Finish: 12.00pm
Food: Coffee, Tea & Biscuits

Fijian Language Services:
Date: Every Sunday evening
Location: Community Shed
Arrive: 5pm

Get more involved:
• Worship/music practice is every Saturday night from 5pm at the Community Shed
• A Fijian Connect Group meets on Thursday evenings
• Find out what else is happening by coming to a service
• There is a whole program of Church activities on Easter weekend every year. Stay tuned on the Facebook page.

For more information about Christian activities and to connect, please join our Facebook page!

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