Rec Centre

Rec Centre Opening Hours

Monday – Friday

6am – 8pm

3pm – 8pm

Saturday & Sunday

9am – 1pm

3pm – 7pm

25m Pool Opening Hours

Open for the Summer Season. Please visit the Rec Centre for the up to

date opening hours.

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To Contact the Rec Centre, phone 8957 7040

Group Sessions

Below group sessions start from from Monday 10th July


10:15am - HIIT
5:30pm - Social Basketball


6:15am - Stretch & Cardio
5:30pm - HIIT


10:15am - HIIT
5:30pm - Circuit


6:15am - Strength
5:30pm - Strength


9:15am - Circuit
5:30pm - Social Basketball


10am - Floor/Core
5:30pm - Volleyball


9am - Strength
4pm - Strength & Cardio

The Rec Centre also offer 3 Personal Training sessions for only $75 Drop in and see Michelle or Matt TODAY!

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How can YOU become healthier?

Well, that all depends on who you are and what your goals are. Visit Brea & Matt at the Rec Centre to chat nutrition, exercise and maybe preparing form an event, then we can set up an individualised plan. Your goal might simple be to love your best life. Let us show you how!

Come and visit anytime!

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