Medical Centre

Yulara Medical Centre

Opening hours are as follows:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
8:30AM – 5:00PM 
8:30AM – 12:30PM

Closed daily from 12:30pm – 1:30pm for Lunch

To make an appointment, please call 8956 2286. 

The Medical Centre is operated by the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (CAAC). For more information on what the clinic offer, please visit the website below.

Updates and Visiting Specialists

Flu Vaccines – protect yourself this flu season!
The Yulara Clinic has a supply of Flu Vaccines for Yulara Residents.
They are free for the Over 65’s and Under 16’s, Indigenous patients and anyone with Chronic Illnesses.
The Fee for anyone else will be $39.75 and will be available for anyone, including those who do not have a Medicare card.
Bookings Essential. Please call 8956 2286 to secure an appointment time.

Visiting Optometrist
The Eyecare Plus team regularly visit Yulara from Alice Springs. 
To make a booking for the next visit, please call 8952 0044 (ensure you advise appointment needed in Yulara). 
There are limited spaces and time for bookings, so please ensure that if you make a booking, that you attend! You will receive a reminder the day prior to your appointment, if you are not able to attend please call the number to advise. 

The next visit is the 24th and 25th August – Get in quick to secure your booking! 

Sexual Health Screening
The Sexual Health team visit Yulara every couple of months and offer FREE check ups for our residents. They are often on a drop in (no booking) basis, so keep your eye out for email notification for when they are in. 

Breast Screening Bus 
The Breast Screening bus is coming to Yulara in September!
Anyone aged 50-74 (or from 40 if you have a family history of cancer) can book an appointment. 
Please give us call at the Yulara Clinic to register – 8956 2286.

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